Thursday 13 October 2016


I really struggled when looking for a picture for this post, I have so many pictures of me breastfeeding but absolutely zero of me bottle feeding Mila even though she's had the occassional bottle since she was 3 weeks old. The only picture that I have is this picture above of Joe bottlefeeding. In general I feel like the pros of breastfeeding are spoken about a lot and this post is in noway trying undermine those pros at all because they are brilliant in their own right but if I'm honest I haven't seen bottle feeding really celebrated very much. I'll be honest I felt a lot of guilt when transitioning over to bottles, something in the back of my mind telling me that I should of tried harder with breastfeeding, but it's only now 3 weeks into bottlefeeding that it is the best decision that we made and I shouldn't feel guilty for that. So for today's Blogtober I thought I'd write about the pros of bottlefeeding.

1. You can share the feeding duties

I think this is such a great pro as it means that partners, friends and family can all enjoy that special bonding time that you have when you feed your baby. 

2. You can share the night feed

Talking about sharing the feeding duties, it also means that you can share the nightfeeds. Although if your partner is anything like mine then it won't actually make that much difference, I normally have to wake Joe up and tell him to go and make a bottle at which point i'm awake so I may as well do it myself haha.

3. You can be away from your baby

I wouldn't say this is exactly a pro because it's always mixed emotions when I leave Mila but knowing that your baby will happily take a bottle takes some of the stress away from leaving them. 

4. You can tell how much your baby drinking

I found some comfort in this when switching over from breast to bottle as it was easy to know how much Mila was having, obviously it can vary slightly from feed to feed but if she's had less on one feed then I can add an oz to the next one.

5. You don't have to share your body

This is such a selfish pro but if i'm really honest it was nice to have my body back after breastfeeding. I didn't have to worry if I could breastfeed in certain outfits and I could have a couple of drinks without thinking about it and calculating when my next feed would be. 

So that wraps up my pros of bottle feeding at the end of the day feeding Mila is still a great bonding time whether she is being fed by bottle or breast. I'd love to know if anyone reading this is bottle feeding and what your pros of bottle feeding are. 

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