Wednesday 12 October 2016


I can't believe that it's Autumn already! Every blog that I read at the moment is expressing their love for Autumn and I have to say i'm definitely on the Autumn bandwagon. We had such an amazing summer this year (in my opinion) with some little heat waves, I feel like I hardly had my umbrella out all summer and spent the whole time in shorts which is exactly how summer should be. As good as the summer was i'm now excited to layer up, get my winter coat out of the closet and get cosy under a blanket with the fire on. Autumn will always feel like a new start for me, September has always been filled with starting school/university or for the last 5 years a house move and with this year being no exception I always feel like a refresh in Autumn. It's the perfect time to start getting organised before the end of the year so I can head into the new year in the best way possible. The weather has been the most perfect Autumnal weather, with crisp mornings accompanied by a blue sky, it seemed like the perfect time to go for a walk in the park with Mila's new pram (well not new she's now in the big part of the pram) and reflect on what I want to achieve by the end of the year. With that in mind here are 5 Autumn goals that I have come up with.

1. Get exercising again

So it's official i've not exercised in a whole year! I felt so ill at the start of my pregnancy, so although I was running a lot in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy as soon as the morning sickness hit it all fell by the wayside and I never went back. My aim is to get back into exercising everyday again, whether it's a 30 minute walk, a run or even some Yoga which I used to love i'm determined to get back into it.

2. Get into healthy eating habits

My partner Joe will be the first to tell you how much cake I have been eating over the past year. It's not even just cake, it's anything sweet and it's now got to the point where I need to curb the habit. At the moment I feel like I eat sweet food even when I don't really want it so I really want to get back into it being a treat again - if anyone reading this has any tips for what has worked for them then please let me know! When you're at home a lot of the day the biscuit tin is way too inviting.

3. Get organised

Having just moved house everything is just everywhere at the moment, I can't wait for everything to have it's place but personally it takes me a while to work all of those things out. By the end of the year I would like to have worked that all out and be organised all ready for Christmas.

4. Get back into cooking

In order to achieve my goal of having healthier eating habits I feel like I need to get back into cooking more and finding interesting recipes as when I have tasty meals to look forward to I feel like I enjoy healthy eating far more.

5. Keep blogging after Blogtober

I really enjoy blogging and although it takes a little bit of time to come up with different posts being 12 days into Blogtober and having  posted every single day so far shows me that I can do it if I put my mind to it. The point of me doing Blogtober was to get me back into blogging and I feel like after posting everyday posting once or twice a week should be breeze (hopefully).


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