Friday 7 October 2016

MILA & ME - My 5 month update

My recovery 

I can’t believe that it’s been 5 months since I’ve given birth! In someways it feels like yesterday – I can remember every single detail of Mila’s birth story and I’m sure I will forever, but on the other hand I feel like I’m starting to get my pace as a mother which feels great.

I’d say that it took me about 3-4 weeks to feel completely normal again and feel healed. I remember the most annoying part being the stitches as they felt uncomfortable, itchy and tight until they dissolved. As soon as they had gone I felt so much better. I think it also takes a while to mentally recover from going through giving birth and getting your head around your new responsibility as a parent. For the first couple of weeks I kept feeling really down as soon as bedtime would approach – maybe it was the thought of broken sleep? But I always felt this overwhelming responsibility like my life had really changed and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever completely feel like myself again. 5 months in and I feel like now that we have somewhat of a routine I’m getting back to doing the things that make me feel more like myself which is great.

Weight Loss 

Initially I lost the baby weight pretty quickly, within 8 weeks I was down to my pre baby weight, which I put down to breastfeeding and the busyness of having a new baby to care for. The picture above is from 3 weeks postpartum, a great top that strategically covers my wobbly bits and is great for breastfeeding. Since then however I feel like I’ve definitely put on a few pounds. I don’t know about anyone else but having a new baby just makes me want to eat cake! Like I was saying in one of my posts everytime I put Mila down for a nap I feel like I must congratulate myself with a cup of tea and cake. So my next task is to get back into eating healthy, curb my cake habit and get back into exercising regularly.

Mind set

Like I was saying before it took a little while for me to get my head around the responsibility of having a baby. When I first gave birth to Mila I was so anxious about every little thing! I was constantly on google and worrying about the tiniest of things, but I now have so much more confidence within my parenting abilities, so I feel like I’ve come a long way. Every so often I try and leave Mila with Joe or a relative so that I can have a couple hours/day or night break to do the things that I want to do like go for dinner with friends or enjoy some time in a coffee shop reading a book. It’s the little things like this that keep me refreshed and make me feel more like myself again not just ‘Mila’s mum’.

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