Sunday 29 May 2016

Welcome Mila Winnie

We're three weeks in and i've finally found the time to put up a blog post about our new arrival. I say 'found the time' loosely, i'm currently writing this with my 3 week old child lying on my chest as everytime I try to put her down she wakes up #newmumproblems, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Mila Winnie Smith made her entrance into the world to Beyonce's Lemonade album, on 6th May at 1.54am weighing 7Ibs12oz and we've been living in our little bubble of bliss ever since.I will share my full labour & delivery story in the coming weeks but I had the water birth that I wanted and I can't rave about the birthing pool enough, it made my labour so much more manageable and just heightened the whole birth experience for me. Like I said they'll be more to come on the labour story but for now we're just enjoying this time settling in to our new lives as parents, if i'm honest I just can't stop staring at her and even 3 weeks in I still can't believe she's the little person I carried for nine months.

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