Tuesday 18 October 2016


So I had a little 3 day break but I'm back! Blogging everyday is actually really hard and super time consuming when you don't have much of a plan of what you're going to post. Saturday came around and it was a busy day, we left Mila with my parents and enjoyed a baby free weekend which also involved going out, drinking far too much and rolling in at 4am. Not cool. Especially when you've had broken sleep for 5 months, my body just can't handle that kind of trauma. So i've been recovering and generally getting organised again because apparently I just don't function on a hangover.

So i'm now over half way into Blogtober and I might make up for the posts I missed I might not, no pressure but the main thing is I'm feeling inspired again and with that i'm going to take a big leap. BIG leap. Queue my Youtube channel that I've been meaning to get going for a while but I just haven't been able to face it. There's still something I find a little cringy about talking to a camera but somehow I find it much more personable & I find Youtube interesting to watch myself so I thought I'd give it ago. I'll be posting my latest video and links to it later tonight so stay tuned.

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