Sunday 2 October 2016


I'm writing this post with boxes surrounding me on a tiny bit of the couch that isn't being taken up from our stuff, this place has been far from ideal but there is still a part of me that is sad to leave. This was our first home together, the place that we brought our new baby home to and will hold so many special memories. It's been a challenge living in such a small place with a baby, we used all of the space saving techniques we could think of, I for one cannot wait to be able to have a bigger wardrobe in the next place. If i'm brutally honest our next place will be harder on us financially and sticking to a budget will be essential, but living in this place has taught us what we're prepared to sacrifice. Most of all Mila needs more space and we want to be somewhere that we can be settled in for a couple of years before *eventually* deciding to buy and that's exactly what our new place offers us.

So despite all of the negatives and at times feeling desperate to leave, looking back this place has been just what we needed at this time in our lives. But onwards and upwards - I can't wait to share pictures of the new place and our journey making it our own.

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