Sunday 9 October 2016


Hello from Yorkshire! The last couple of days we've been travelling through Yorkshire, taking in the sites & breathing in the fresh Yorkshire air. It's been great to get away from London and do some activities that we never normally do. On Friday we took a trip up to the beautiful Malham Cove, being the Londoners that we are Joe & I turned up for the walk in windy & rainy Yorkshire conditions wearing a Harrington jacket, trench coat, vans (as pictured) and other non practical clothing, but we enjoyed the walk and it was worth it to see the beautiful waterfall at the end. Doing such a lovely walk has inspired me to try and encourage us to try and find nice places to walk around near London, it's such a cheap day out and beats walking around the same parks over and over again.

We're currently in York after watching my mum run the York marathon, I've never visited before and it is such a pretty city, i've also been surprised at how great the food has been everywhere, I never really had York down as a foodie city but there really is so much on offer. So expect a post soon featuring my highlights of York. 

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