Friday 15 April 2016

Baby's Corner

So much has happened since I last posted! Joe & I finally moved into our first place together, we're in South East London which is great as I have lots of family nearby and it's nice to not be in the hustle and bustle of London. We're in a one bedroom place so baby won't have her own room, so I really wanted to make a special corner for her, we got this lovely cat print from This Modern Life, the rabbits are from Jelly Cats and Marks & Spencers - both gifts from my baby shower, the bed sheet is from Mamas & Papas and the knitted blanket from Next.

I'm 39 weeks pregnant today, in general the third trimester has been a breeze apart from the occasional bout of heartburn, but this week I feel like my bump has grown so much! I just feel really heavy and starting to get the period like pains and back ache that everyone talks about in later pregnancy. Part of me is hoping that this is a sign that she'll be arriving soon, but the other part of me is hoping the complete opposite as I still feel like I have lots to get done before she arrives. I also tried my first pregnancy yoga session this week which was brilliant! I'd highly recommend - it's such a shame that I found the class so late in pregnancy as I would of loved to have gone every week.

As for the blog i'm not sure what route it's going to take - i'm sure it will be mish mash of things going in my life, from the end of pregnancy to motherhood with the odd bit of fashion, food and beauty on the side, so do stay tuned :)


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