Thursday 8 December 2016


So if you saw last weeks post you'll know that i've decided to undertake a health kick in a bid to shed the mum tum! Week 1 was actually a pretty good week, I could definitely of been slightly stricter but as a start I'm pretty happy with it really.


So I was hoping to be slightly stricter and live by a 90/10 rule but it ended up being more of the 80/20 rule. I started off the week really well having two healthy eating days on Monday & Tuesday followed by Wednesday being a no carb day and Thursday being a vegetarian day, follow. Friday was going well until I went to my cousins 21st birthday - I had some birthday cake and a couple of sweets but then I found it hard to reign it in after that. So on Saturday I ended up eating Frosted Shreddies for breakfast and on Sunday I still decided to have my 'treat' (even though by this point i'd definitely already had my treat for the week) and ended up eating two muffins. Whoops! Overall though I feel like it was a step in the right direction as generally my eating habits were far better than normal, I snacked loads on fruit & veg and I managed to stay away from the fizzy drinks.


Exercises wise I again did pretty well until Friday. I managed to do circuits Tuesday & Wednesday, I had my mum and fit class on Thursday and I did yoga everyday from Monday-Thursday. Then I broke the DVD player on my computer so I didn't do any other yoga or exercise for the rest of the weekend. So right now it's apparent that I need to work on keeping the momentum up over the weekend.

Rules I didn't stick to...

Again I started off well with the 'drink when the baby drinks' but that soon tailed off, so next week I really need to get back on doing that again. However I did end up drinking far more water than I normally drink which is definitely a positive. I didn't manage to eat before 8pm so next week I'll be trying to eat before 9pm as that is way more realistic since most of the time I exercise after Mila has gone to bed. The food diary helped inititally but as soon as I started having treats I just abandoned it. I definitely want to try and do it again next week as I think when I'm strict at doing it, it really helps.

How do I feel & how much weight did I lose?

So after my first week I definitely feel like my clothes fit slightly better already and I feel like the water has done wonders for my skin as well as helping me to not feel as tired. I weighed myself on Sunday morning and was surprised to see that I had lost 4lbs!! So despite my treats I have managed to still lose weight and I think that is all down to the exercising and drinking more water. I definitely don't expect to lose as much as that in the following weeks but it's definitely given me some motivation.

What will I be working on next week?

So there is clearly some room for improvement with my eating habits. I think the main thing is that if I do have a treat I need to learn how to control myself and not go wild! I also want to try and complete my full circuits as right now I have just been doing either upper body or lower body. 

I'll be back next week with my week 2 update and hopefully another weight loss!
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